Thursday, 12 January 2012

Data warehousing for human Life - Contd 4

I was asking my friends,” we were busy in building application for tuning other business to perfection, by using the various technologies (Datawarehousing, Business Intelligence, Data mining, Data Analytics, Business planning etc... ) but why we never thought of something that is required to tune our personal life.”

Some of them said,"Yes, I agree having such application will give a better result".
Some said,"it is good to have".
Some said,"do we require it? I’m good at taking my own decision".
Some said," what I will get tangibly …."

The outcome I had after a series of conversation with my friends is

We do this sort of application for tuning business, because the results we achieve are explicit and noticed by others. There was no anonymity and most important people are rewarded tangibly (money, promotion, new car, house etc…).
The changes received by having “DWH for human life” application are Implicit. It is only for individuals to see and feel. There is anonymity.

For example:
No one can force individuals to follow exercise schedule, nor can the individuals see a tangible reward like getting money or a promotion (excluding body building competition) .It is for the individuals to feel the strength he receives and the healthy life he lives. If he feels the intangible rewards (Confidence with in him, healthy life etc…), then he will follow the schedule.

The same is true for the application that we are discussing. This application will provide implicit benefit for people but it has to be felt by the individuals to use it. There are individuals who track their daily habit, sense out the pattern and tune their life accordingly.
  • Some achieve this by writing diary.
  • Some does this for their financial progress by analyzing their bank balance, savings, loans, assets, liabilities etc….
  • Some does this only for their educational progress, by analyzing the grades, white papers, no of degrees.
  • Some does this only for their health progress, by analyzing their weight, height and the medical expenditure.
But we are not having an overall application that covers most of the aspects of life that can show the correlation between them. The application we are talking here will be able to provide this for us.
Most of us take things for granted. We take decision on our self more subjectively. This application will help us to take decision objectively.

We may not be getting any monetary benefits by using this application directly.But using this application and tuning our activities accordingly will provide more monetary benefit than ever. This will provide more indirect tangible benefits.

When we build a house the person who is benefited directly is the contractor. But the people who are benefited indirectly is count less.From masonry, brick maker, steel rod maker, cement factory worker, utilities transporter, carpenter, etc…
Similarly we may not get direct monetary benefit ay this application but once we start using this we can tune our life to get wealth that is beyond our imagination.

Any other views on this are welcome.

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