On the second question, people are known for their diversity:
I Agree, All the business are known for their diversity.
But how are we comparing them, analysing them for our
organization growth?
There are many factors that can be compared, analyzed without
losing their individuality.
Simple example
“Can you compare Google and Facebook, apart from fact they
are in technology business and their Mobile OS?”
Most of the people say a big “NO……” Facebook is in social
networking business and Google is in search business,’ how can you compare?’
But if you take a closer look, face book is more or less
following Google path. Facebook is doing what Google had done for advertisement.
Google networked the entire advertisement platform through
their ad sense across the Internet, what Facebook is doing is they are networking
all the contents across Internet by their API’s.
Similarly if we look closely, we can compare and analyze individual’s
life and still they can retain their own individuality.There are lot of aspects which we can learn from other
people that are not impacted by time, technology and locations.
The objective of this new application,
- Is to provide insight about the personal life of individuals?
- It is to provide insight of individuals whom we care?
- To compare our life with individuals, whom we love to (provide if they are ok in sharing theirs)?
If I had an opportunity to analyze my learning curve with
Larry page (CEO of Google), I would have retrospected my self with his
dedication principles to my dedication principles.
How many young cricketers want to be Sachin?
How many technologists want to be Steve Jobs?
How many investors want to be Buffet?
As most of successfull people are having a greater desire to contribute something back for the society they are ready to share their experience, but the
time is stopping them for doing so.
For all successful people time is
everything !!!!
Similarly most of us want to analyse how our role model
experience can help us achieving our goal.
For us, we can’t afford to meet buffet by paying millions of
dollars or fly from Asia to meet Steve jobs.
So, the only problem now is, ‘How we can achieve this setup without effecting
individual’s privacy, time and money? ‘.
If we have a system,’ where buffet has to spend less than 5
minutes a day to share his day’s inspiration’, he may be ready to share. This will change the life of millions across globe.The system or application which we are
talking here is to provide a plat form for such a mutual sharing. Not only
mutual sharing, analysing them over a period of time and growing our self. I
see, “what data warehousing had done to business in past 10 years to business,
we can achieve the same for human life in another 5 to 10 years”.
Till I reach you back “MERRY CHRISTMAS” to all……
One of the reader said, the technology had given best for
all peoples at same time increased divorce rate in UK?
Is there a technology can help in minimising this ……..